history machine robots takeover prediction futurology the matrix

In 1863, one man warned us about AI - how a 19th-century letter foresaw AI fears

The theme of machine dominance would later find its way into numerous works of science fiction
Through the looking glass: In an era when the American Civil War dominated headlines, an English sheep farmer in New Zealand penned a letter that would prove remarkably prophetic. On June 13, 1863, The Press newspaper of Christchurch published a missive titled "Darwin among the Machines," which may contain the first published argument for halting technological progress to prevent machines from dominating humanity.
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Adobe's new bulk AI image tool can edit thousands of images in seconds

The big picture: Traditional AI-based image tools often focus on generating images from scratch using text prompts, which has invited controversy due to copyright concerns. Firefly, however, leverages prompts to make complex edits to existing images within Adobe programs like Photoshop and Illustrator. Users can seamlessly add objects while maintaining consistent lighting, introduce new patterns, remove backgrounds, or extend image boundaries – though sometimes with unintentionally humorous results.
epic games ceo tim sweeney trump ceo epic games politics tim sweeney donald trump big tech

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney blasts big tech leaders for cozying up to Trump

"After years of pretending to be Democrats, Big Tech leaders are now pretending to be Republicans"
A hot potato: In a scathing critique of tech industry leaders, Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney has accused prominent executives of cozying up to President-elect Donald Trump in an attempt to influence anti-competitive policies. Sweeney's comments, shared on the social media platform X, highlight growing concerns about the relationship between big tech and the incoming administration.
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Mobile apps exploited to harvest location data on massive scale, hacked files reveal

"There's some company out there acting like a global honey badger, doing whatever it pleases with every piece of data that comes its way"
A hot potato: Thousands of popular mobile apps across Android and iOS are allegedly being exploited to harvest sensitive location data on an unprecedented scale. This data collection, occurring through the advertising ecosystem, is likely happening without the knowledge of users or even app developers themselves.
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