It removes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses automatically without interrupting your work.
New Norton Internet Worm Protection blocks certain more sophisticated worms (such as Blaster and Sasser) before they enter your computer. Norton AntiVirus can also detect spyware and other non-virus threats.
- Norton Internet Worm Protection stops certain damaging Internet worms at their attempted point of entry.
- QuickScan tool automatically searches for and removes viruses whenever new virus protection updates are downloaded.
- PreInstall Scan quickly detects and removes infections that can interfere with installing and launching Norton AntiVirus.
- Automatically removes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
- Scans and cleans both incoming and outgoing email messages.
- Blocks viruses in instant message attachments.
- Detects spyware and certain non-virus threats such as adware and keystroke logging programs.
- Scans compressed file archives before you open them and risk infecting your computer.
- Downloads new virus protection updates automatically to protect against new threats.
- Worm Blocking and Script Blocking can detect new threats even before virus protection updates are created for them.
Norton AntiVirus offers:
- Auto-Protect to automatically scan files
- Quarantine
- LiveUpdate that updates your DAT files over the Internet
- LiveAdvisor personal e-mail support (requires registration)