Posts: 1,682 +1,115
The 1080 ti launch price was $699 are you talking about the crypto mining scalped pricing that Nvidia wants us to focus on? Also the 5080 is not the 5080 ti and fortunately for us there was the 3080 that launched at $699 and 4080 supers that sold for $949 just in case anyone forgot and is talking about inflation.This is an odd community. Most of the commenters on here are complaining about the price and what you get for your money. But I bet the cards sell out and Nvidia make good profits on them.
I may consider this card. I need a 4K GPU for my new 4K 144hz OLED TV. I know the prices suck but I dont have a choice and its not like I need this. Its a complete luxury item for me and the vast majority of other users.
Its also worth noting that Nvidia have jacked up their prices over the last few years. Inflation has been rampant and most Americans at least are on much higher pay than they used to be too. Relative to my income this card is cheaper than the GTX 1080ti that I bought back in 2017.
If you dont like the price dont buy it. I dont really understand why people are getting emotional about it.
While you might perceive this as complaining I am simply presenting the objective data. questions?
update. So what's your gripe on people complaining about pricing going up?
If you are right you will still get a chance to purchase Scalped pricing youvarr hoping for. If I am right you'll get to purchase it because no one will but it from available stock.
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