Zuckerberg slams Apple for not "inventing anything great in a while"

The problem is the idea that Apple should own the "iPhone Market" and be able to charge a gatekeeping fee in the first place. Once Apple sells an iPhone, Apple obviously no longer owns said device. The person who bought the iPhone does. The idea that is completely okay & normal for Apple to be able to restrict and control what people do on their own devices is rather disturbing to me, and Apple being able to maintain control of devices they don't even own anymore is hostile to creating a competitive marketplace.
That's one way of looking at it.
Another way could be that as a manufacturer, Apple is free do design the device (both HW and SW) as they see fit - including connectivity and everything else. Anyone who buys an iphone agrees to buy it as is. Then the owner is of course free to do whatever they like within the design limitations.
I myself prefer it like that. If the device is open for anything to connect to it, and any kind of app can be downloaded from anywhere and installed, that will make it orders of magnitude less secure.