2024 was the hottest year on record, surpassing the critical 1.5°C threshold

Britannica: "The Little Ice Age (LIA), [was a ] climate interval that occurred from the early 14th century through the mid-19th century [where] mean annual temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere declined by 0.6 °C (1.1 °F) relative to the average temperature between 1000 and 2000 ce. ... proxy records collected from western Greenland, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and western North America point to several cool episodes, lasting several decades each, when temperatures dropped 1 to 2 °C (1.8 to 3.6 °F) below the thousand-year averages for those areas. "

So, the earth has warmed 1.5 c since 1850, when the earth was 0.6 - 2 degrees cooler than today Basically we're back to the same temperature the earth was before the Little Ice Age, I.e. 1300 - 1850.
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AI will save Mankind!

All-Hail Leather-Jacket -Man!!!
Don't worry the 5090 will not contribute to climate change using 575 watts It will surely throttle performance to save the planet and itself. As long as we focus only on politicians and not the conflict of interest they hold by likely being heavily invested in Nvidia, ai stocks, data centers, pushing for smart city's it will all fix itself. Nvidia is simply burning the world looking for the solution for clean energy 1 trillion dollars at a time!🤪
My stance still holds the culprits are the cronies and the corrupt politicians that enable this shyte show! Yay confirmation bias!

update from Google ai fyi
AI Overview

The Nvidia B300 is a significantly more powerful GPU compared to the B200, offering a substantial performance boost in AI inference tasks, primarily due to a higher memory capacity (288GB vs. 192GB), increased FLOPs, and a higher TDP (around 1400W compared to 1000W for the B200), making it ideal for demanding AI workloads requiring large models and high throughput; essentially, the B300 is considered a next-generation upgrade to the B200, built on the same "Blackwell" architecture but with significant performance enhancements.
Key Differences:
Performance: B300 offers around 50% higher FLOPs compared to the B200.
Memory Capacity: B300 has significantly more HBM3e memory (288GB) compared to the B200.
Power Consumption: B300 has a higher TDP, meaning it consumes more power but can deliver significantly higher performance.
Target Applications: Both are designed for AI inference, but the B300 is better suited for large, complex models requiring high memory bandwidth and processing power.
As I have stated many times before. the Great news is 2024 will be one of the coolest years in the next 2 decades

Usual nonsense posted here , hit and run

Again not a single prediction given the people who did their own research of big polluters disinformation sites

Climate prediction is hard , as I stated many times 10 000s of things are built in, including solar winds etc

Another interesting fact - One of the hardest things to model is clouds, no supercomputer can model them to enough granularity - you need know 100s of attributes of the clouds . the main ones affecting the size are known . Coverage ( sadly diminishing over oceans causing the biggest warming effects, as sunlights energy hits water not some reflected back into space).
The other 2 main attributes are altitude and optical density

So when some one posts on here solar activity , earth was warming in this selective part of the planet in year so and so , this many years ago , you know they are just spewing disinformation

Still waiting your predictions when the warming will end , since now since start of industrial revolution , maybe a year in the suns 11 year cycle with the storms at an ebb? F knows. Hopefully the 11 year cycle will stop some time since the industrial revolution warming starting a couple of hundred years ago.

Gee wonder what started at same time as those huge coal powered factories F knows , maybe I know I Know solar winds - F I'm a genius .
Why don't the big polluters post my truth , surely they can fund my sources - OH they do the disinformation sites , where I do my own research and know more than those with PhDs F I'm clever

Remember in 30 years in any of these boomers are still alive , they WILL never admit they spread FUD or were this gullible or deliberate to screw their grandkids . These are exactly the same people saying 15 -20 years ago it was a lie the world was getting warmer , the measurements were a lie and massaged. Not one went online to say they were wrong , not one very telling !! they are here now in this thread

OMG is climate hysteria still alive?

"Hottest year on record" sounds kinda scary, until you realize the "record" is about 50 years long, and in geological terms that's indistinguishable from zero.
And how is 1.5°C threshold "critical"?
And they've been keeping records for about 100 years. They have no clue, despite their lies, what happened for 5 Billion years. And I'm sure that number will change one day. Science is in its infancy. And they act like infants too. We know who they are.